Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Results from 2nd shoot

I got the negatives back from my photo shop for shoots of the banana and the view of downtown San Francisco.

The image #3 looks otherwise OK but it should have been taken closer up. After fixing the infinity stops this would have been possible.

Talking about the infinity the shot #4 of downtown San Francisco is spot on, both focus and exposure.

I still miss the scanner so I can't post the images yet.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another view of downtown

Today I went out for the 1st time with the newly adjusted camera. I was surprised to notice that the camera is focused into infinity when the lens is pulled all the way out into the infinity stops and the camera bed is pulled all the way in.

This might be because I adjusted the camera for the lens.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Adjusting for Dogmar

Today I adjusted the infinity stops for 6.5 inch Dogmar. Not entirely sure if I'm doing it right though. I opened the iris all the way open and set the focusing aid on the bed to infinity and locked the bed. Then I moved the lens board forward on the rails until buildings around 2 miles away were sharp. I still can't trust the focusing aid on the bed for shorter distances. Maybe the focusing aid is calibrated for the original 127mm lens. Well, maybe I will take my time only shoot with hood.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1st still life shoot

Had some time today and wanted to play with the camera again. Didn't find anything else to shoot but old bunch of bananas. I placed the bananas on a white cardboard on the floor, light them with two spotlights through white acrylic sheet and placed another cardboard to act as reflector. The lights are not very powerful and my exposure time was way longer than I would have liked. Maybe I also need proper strobes. Haha! It's Christmas and I haven't really bought myself anything yet.

I noticed that I really have to adjust the infinity stops on the camera. The stops are adjusted for 127mm Kodak lens and I'm using the 6.5 Inch (165mm) Dogmar. It's very hard to focus close. I have to push the bed of the camera further out than it's designed for. Have to figure out the best way to adjust. Marked the bed already for 127mm so it will be easy for me to change the stops back when needed.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My lens

Goerz Dogmar 6.5in f4.5
Originally uploaded by Tasmanic
Here's my Goerz Dogmar 6.5in f4.5 which I also bought through eBay. Very nice and the shutter seems to work.

Research for scanner

After finding out the scanning cost in shops I desided to go ahead and get myself a proper scanner. The shop I usually go to charges up to 5$ per 4x5 scan which seems a bit harsh for me.

I have been doing some research on scanners and are leaning towards Epson V750-M Pro scanner now. The price is around 800$ and Epson has 100$ mail-in rebate program ongoing. I might be cheap also and go for the older Epson V700 which goes for around 550$ and offers same 100$ mail-in rebate.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Results of my first shoot

Just got my first developed films back from the photoshop and they look great. I metered the light using my Canon 40D and the exposure looks to be spot on. Can't wait to get them enlarged. I'll be sure to post the pictures once I get them scanned.

I think I have to join San Francisco Photography Center. Cheap enough membership and decent facilities.

Developing film

I found this instructional video on how to develop sheet film. I'm sure I won't be using the tray method.

Processing Sheet Film in a Darkroom -- powered by

And this is how it starts

I bought myself a Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic through eBay. It was in pretty sad shape (but cheap) and I had to spend a bit more to get enough parts to make a working unit. On my original package I have solid body with focal plane shutter working. I have no way of testing the accuracy, but atleast the speed with which the curtain moves seems to change and the curtain seems lightproof. The camera came with Kodak Ektar 127mm f:4.5 lens that looks to be in good condition. The shutter on the other hand doesn't work on slow speeds. Also the lens board was cracked and not lightproof. I commissioned a friend of mine to fabricate me couple of new ones.

Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic

I also bought Goerz Dogmar 6 1/2 In f:4.5 lens on a working shutter. To my supprise this came attached to a perfect lens board. I run to local Calumet to get a film holder and a pack of film.

I figured out how to load the film pack (with 2 sheets of film) and spend better part of last Saturday morning taking the pictures. The film is currently being developed and I should get them back later today. I will be noting down all shots I make and atleast scans of the pictures. Hmm.. Need to get a scanner in that case ;)