Had some time today and wanted to play with the camera again. Didn't find anything else to shoot but old bunch of bananas. I placed the bananas on a white cardboard on the floor, light them with two spotlights through white acrylic sheet and placed another cardboard to act as reflector. The lights are not very powerful and my exposure time was way longer than I would have liked. Maybe I also need proper strobes. Haha! It's Christmas and I haven't really bought myself anything yet.
I noticed that I really have to adjust the infinity stops on the camera. The stops are adjusted for 127mm Kodak lens and I'm using the 6.5 Inch (165mm) Dogmar. It's very hard to focus close. I have to push the bed of the camera further out than it's designed for. Have to figure out the best way to adjust. Marked the bed already for 127mm so it will be easy for me to change the stops back when needed.
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