I had uneven number of films exposed so I thought I go to North Beach here in San Francisco to shoot one more picture so I can drop some holders for development tomorrow. Everything went fine - until I got to North Beach.
I started getting my gear out of the trunk of my car and grabbed one film holder from my bag. The safety guards hadn't been closed properly (I wonder who messed up) and the exposure guard slid open. With lightning fast reflexes I closed it back up. Remains to be seen if the film inside got some unwanted light. That would be shot #7 I have to look out for.
This brings me to the point of complaining about Fidelity Elite 4x5 film holders. The safety guards move very easy and might open up accidentally while in transport. The old wooden ones have the safety's so hard that it's very hard to open them up - even intentionally; I think I prefer that problem.
The second problem arose when I set up the tripod. My Slik let one of the butterfly screws go. The design is a bit weird to start off. There is a metal screw with 10mm head which has been covered with hard plastic butterfly screw head. I think I can glue it back on, but would still like to complain to the manufacturer.
After 15 second googling I realized I can buy just a new head for the darn thing. The legs are still 100% OK. Now come to think of it I have always wanted a ball head for the tripod.
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